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Separated Together #9

Welcome part nine of our “Separated Together” devotional adventure. Thank you church family for faithfully supporting your church in spite of the fact that we can't meet together personally. Our tithes and offerings are truly acts of worshiping the Lord when we give them with a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).  As you can imagine, certain expenses have decreased, however other expenses are fixed and those bills must continue to be paid. As always, your financial and prayer support is greatly appreciated. We have provided a "giving link" on our website for your convenience, However, if you would rather give with a check or cash, Kevin Ogaard (or someone else) will be at the church every Tuesday between 10:00am and noon.  I also want to thank all of you for your continued prayers and acts of kindness to Ken and Karissa. While there is great joy in Denise's presence with the Lord right now, there are also incredible adjustments for Ken and Karissa. We know and trust the Lord's goodness and His mercy is new for every day. There are plans being made currently to provide meals for them, I want to encourage as many of you as possible to help out with this effort and show our love for the Krups in a tangible way. 

Today's “Separated Together” devotional installment is the final one in this series. I pray these short words of encouragement have touched you and your heart during our pandemic.  In the midst of our world-wide, state, and community trial, God wants to remind us that He hasn't given us the kind of fear the world has right now. He is the God of hope and power.

He has put a new spirit in us. His Spirit!

Scripture for today

"...for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."  - 2 Timothy 1:7 

His Spirit is the opposite of how the spirit of the world responds. The spirit of this world wants to impart discouragement, despair, and fear.

God's Spirit gives us the power we need to face any circumstance with goodness, hope, strength, and peace. 

Above all, His Holy Spirit gives us the boldness and courage to love in the face of uncertainty. This is the same Spirit found in the Acts 2:42-47 church.

The Holy Spirit gives us self-discipline and a sound mind as we renew our minds daily in the Word of God, in worship, in prayer, and in trusting Him. 

These things result in a calm, well-balanced mind, and hopeful heart.

Which spirit will you seek after today?

Prayer for today

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit to come and live in us when we received Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Father, we confess we have not always allowed ourselves to be filled with your Spirit.

Please forgive us for being afraid, timid, and cowardly, at times.

Fill us with faith. Fill us with hope.

Help us renew our mind daily in Your Word.

Let us worship You in spirit and in truth, so that we might see Your power, love, and sound judgment fill our hearts and minds.

Empower us to boldly share the hope that we have with our neighbors and family.

Help them to see You in us. All to your glory, Lord. 

In Jesus’ Name. Amen

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