Jamie Hodge

Kristen Jordan
Jamie started attending Grace in 2005 at the age of 18 with her high school sweetheart, Jacob, and his family. They grew in their relationship with the Lord and each other at Grace. They have 4 boys: Jason, Luke, Wesley, Nathan, and they are excited every week to get to church and help in any way they can! Her favorite part
about Grace is how much it feels like family from the moment you walk in. Sunday mornings are refreshing filled with transformative teaching and a better understanding of our relationship with Jesus as his children.
She’s really enjoyed getting to know the women of the church a little deeper through fun events and different types of worship and is excited to see how the Lord leads growth within the walls of Grace and beyond. Her favorite Bible verse is:
Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. ... Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Carolyn Kraus
Carolyn began attending Grace in 2001. She has helped with wayfarer meals, was in the choir and has served as a deaconess in the church for the past 2 years. Carolyn regularly takes photos for the ladies events and VBS. She loves to read, quilt and keep up with her three dogs.

Eileen Goodmiller
Eileen has had the privilege of being a part of Grace Evangelical Church since 2020. She's been married to her soulmate, Brian for 59 years this coming October. Together they have raised two wonderful children.....their son Jim and daughter Ann. Between them they have blessed them with 5 grandsons.
Before she came to Grace, they attended of a large church near Arlington Heights where they lived for the 46 years. In 2017 they decided to downsize and sold their large home. They wanted to be closer to their children which brought them to the Elgin area. After getting settled, they started looking for a new church. They visited a few but didn't feel led to make them their place of worship. Then one Easter Sunday they visited Grace Evangelical and immediately felt that this is where God wanted them to be.
Grace Evangelical Church is a beautiful example of what God had intended for His Church to be. It is a Bible preaching, teaching and believing ministry that teaches exclusively from God's Word....the Holy Bible. The leadership and people are the most loving and caring community of faithful believers in Jesus Christ I've ever encountered. They are truly a family and they welcome everyone. Everyone who visits express that they truly feel the love of God and His people when they enter through the doors.

Cathy Stellman
Cathy has been attending Grace Evangelical Church, for 20 years, with her husband Tom. She has been blessed to be a deaconess for two terms. Some experiences in the church that bring her joy include volunteering in children’s church, hearing the preschoolers pray and being able to help plan get-togethers for the ladies of the church. She loves Grace church because it is so down-to-earth and accepting of all, just like Jesus. Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
This church family has provided a strong foundation of faith and support during all seasons of life and she hopes to do the same for others while serving as a deaconess.

Janet Spatafora